This is the latest Square Dance Information Magazine
by Barry Wonson
In the last couple of BTM Magazines, I have noted that I have been working on a general SD magazine for dancers, callers, cuers, etc., for some time. I have attached the first issue for your perusal.
As it is the plan is to have an issue of Around The Square about every two months.
Like everything there are many factors involved in creating something like this, time, articles, interest, time, and of course, time.
Like everything there are many factors involved in creating something like this, time, articles, interest, time, and of course, time.
As with our caller Magazine ‘Behind The Mike’, this will be a free magazine available to anyone who would like a copy.
This is currently being sent out to subscribers of BTM as well as to square dancers whose names are in my general address book.
It is also available by clicking the link below.Please feel free to pass this on to anyone that you think may be interested…anyone can subscribe to it by contacting me at
It is also available by clicking the link below.Please feel free to pass this on to anyone that you think may be interested…anyone can subscribe to it by contacting me at
Around The Square Issues