About Square Dancing in Australia

about Square Dance Australia

Modern Square Dancing in Australia has been going for over 60 years and is best described as “fun and friendship set to music”. It’s called “Dancing” – Square Dancing is danced in groups of four couples following the instructions of the caller.

As a caller sings a song whether it be to Rock N Roll, Country, Jazz or Modern Hit Songs, it will contain the ‘steps’ or moves required by the dancers to follow in time with the music

 One of the joys of Modern Square Dancing is that once learned, you can dance in any country as all the calls are done in English,  So once you learn how to Square Dance at Mainstream level, you can travel and Square Dance all over the world.

In Modern Square Dancing, Dances are cued by Callers who can choreograph the same song with a different mix of moves depending on his and the dancer’s capabilities, thereby always making square dance different & challenging yet an enjoyable activity for everyone.

 Good callers will call the moves in a ‘freestyle’ fashion making it a fun workout or a great ‘hoedown’ to challenge the dancers and have fun at the same time.

 The next level up is Plus and it goes on to higher levels eg: A1 & A2 & higher if you wish to learn more.


Dancers at National Conventionin NSW

 The diverse range of music and songs used in modern square dancing also makes it a very attractive alternative to people from other dance activities.

These include swing, zumba, ceroc, vogue, tango, bokwa, boot scooting, line dance, round dance, ballroom, salsa, latin, old time, flamenco and clogging. 

Most Square Dance Clubs also offer Round Dancing with others including Clogging and Line Dancing.

Many people try Modern Square Dancing as a way to socialize others go for exercise, meeting new friends, fun, fitness, stress relief, ‘brain food’ and all the health benefits associated with an energetic aerobic workout they can enjoy.

 Square dancing has been shown to counter the effects of Anxiety, Depression, Asthma, Obesity, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Stress, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Aging and many other curses of “growing older”, so the sooner you start – the greater the benefits. It’s a great way to become more coordinated, physically & mentally healthy and socially interactive so why not act – belong & commit to a Square Dance club near you – “Do it now”. It’s a great way to become more coordinated, physically & mentally healthy and socially interactive so why not act – belong & commit to a Square Dance club near you – “Do it now”.

 The diverse range of music and songs used in Modern Square Dancing also makes it a very attractive alternative to people from other dance activities like swing, zumba, ceroc, vogue, tango, bokwa, boot scooting, line dance, round dance, ballroom, salsa, latin, old time, flamenco and clogging.

An Australian National Square Dance Convention (ANSDC) is held each year in a different State or Territory.

We have included a list of past and upcoming Conventions on our events page.

These conventions are the feature dance of the year with people coming from oversees and all around Australia to join in and celebrate this magnificent event.

There are over 160 active square dance callers and approximately 200 clubs located throughout Australia. You can dance daily, weekly, fortnightly or even monthly if you wish.

Each club offers something different in it’s own special way. Perhaps you could try to visit and dance at as many clubs as possible to experience the wonderful diversity in Australian modern square dance.

On this site you can follow links to each State to locate clubs and callers nearest to you in – Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, & Western Australia.

This is a very brief overview of square dancing in Australia with lots more fascinating facts to learn and explore.

Kept short and sweet Square Dance is a great way to have fun!

If you wish to inquire about learning how to square dance –

Please use our Contact Form or use our Free Call number